Inca Trail
An adventure through the path of the Sun

Information Center

Information Center » Inca Trail » Inca Trail Trek
Last update: January 27, 2019

Inca Trail Altitudes

Graph of Altitudes


Forest Jungle

Table of Altitudes

Kilometers Altitudes Places
  meters feet  
- 3,250 10,660 Cuzco
0 2,850 9,350 Km. 82
3 2,750 9,022 Llaqtapata
10 3,100 10,170 Wayllabamba
20 4,200 13,775 Warmiwanusqa
24 3,924 12,870 Runkurakay
28 3,725 12.220 Sayaqmarka
32 3,580 11,740 Phuyupatamarka
39 2,650 8,690 Winay Wayna
45 2,430 7,970 Machu Picchu
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